The motto:
The fact that you are being bullied shouldn't be kept in, you shouldn't be scared of them. Telling someone will help solve the problem quickly: you'll will be free of bullying!
It is often good to tell someone you trust, so this can be anyone, like:
- Your Mum, Dad
- Older sister or brother
- Auntie, Uncle
- A teacher
- School councillor
Now you may be thinking these options are all adults however the alternative is that you can tell a close friend or someone else you are close to; this is so you can feel more comfortable :)
You can also talk to someone online or on the phone, their main focus is bullying so their ideas will help you a lot.
Visit these sites for this alternative:
Number: 0800 1111
Bullying UK:
Number: 0808 800 2222
Advise if you have witnessed bullying:
If you have recently witnessed bullying you should;
Advise if you have witnessed bullying:
If you have recently witnessed bullying you should;
- Go and tell someone you trust about what you have witnessed
- You can remain anonymous and tell the person you've told to not mention your name
- If you see bullying in the classroom/ playground tell a teacher/ TA/ or the school councillor immediately
- If you are seeing the person getting bullied, talk to them and make friends that will put a smile on their face :)
If you are the BULLY:
- Think carefully about the person you are hurting and how it affects them; imagine YOU in their shoes
- Reconsider about what you are doing; don't give into peer pressure. If your friends are forcing you to do things you don't want to do, think about if they're your real friends